Brothers create projects to help others
By Ashley Shah
Scripps Ranch residents Drew and Trent Wan have created programs to help the community in different ways.
Drew Wan, 17, created Project Render in 2018. Project Render is designed to refurbish used computers to give to those in need.
During his freshman year of high school, Drew was part of the organization Computers 2 Kids San Diego, which refurbishes used computers and resells them at affordable prices.
“I wanted to be able to give back to the community, so I created Project Render. I get to work with computers, which I have always loved working with, and I am able to give computers away for free to those in need,” Drew said.
He has been able to collect 30 used computers and has been able to give away 14 refurbished computers.
“Drew is really helping a lot of people. He was able to give a computer to someone whose house had burned down and was left with nothing. He has also been able to give a computer to a teacher who needed one for teaching virtually this year,” father Keith Wan said.
Currently, Drew is looking for computers that run on Windows 10. He can be contacted through Instagram @project_render as well as his website projectrenderyt.wixsite.com/website.
“I would like to grow my organization by hopefully partnering with other organizations as well as expanding my presence on social media,” he said.
Besides running Project Render, Drew attends Palomar College studying computer engineering after graduating early from Scripps Ranch High School (SRHS) in August 2020. He also runs the company CrazyDog Shredding which shreds sensitive documents, and he has an internship at PikNik Co which is a tech start-up.
Trent Wan, 15, recently set up the organization @Strong_Hearing in December of 2020. Strong Hearing aims to collect hearing aids and give them to those in need. Trent was found to be hard of hearing at age 4 and wears hearing aids himself.
“I know the hardships of not being able to hear. I wanted to create something where others who are hard of hearing could have a chance to hear,” Trent said.
He has been able to collect two pairs of hearing aids so far.
He donates hearing aids through Lions Club International.
“I want to get more people involved because I have some friends that are hard of hearing, so it would be nice to get them involved. I just want to get the word out so we can help more people,” Trent said.
Aside from running Strong Hearing, Trent is a freshman at SRHS. He participates in the SRHS golf team and the Model United Nations club.
To donate hearing aids, Trent can be reached on Instagram @strong_hearing and through his website sites.google.com/view/strong-hearing.