
Contact Information

News, photos and video
Send your news items or news tips, story ideas or interesting photos to:

John Gregory:
Jacqueline Gregory:

Website, Digital Design or Graphic Design Services
Jacqueline Gregory

Content contributions
Words & Pictures is seeking:
High quality photo essays including written captions and at least one descriptive paragraph. Minimum of five photos.
Written content: Non-fiction stories features, news articles or narratives with photos or illustrations. 
Video and multimedia projects: send a sample and description. 
To offer or pitch photo essays, videos or written content, email

Social Media

(858) 945-4465 or (858) 578-1326

Mailing Address
Seacoast Media Lab, LLC
9984 Scripps Ranch Blvd. #312
San Diego, CA 92131

Content and Social Media, terms of use and privacy policy

By using this site and any of the San Diego Words & Pictures social media pages, you agree to these terms and policies. By sending any content in any format to San Diego Words & Pictures, you are consenting to its use by San Diego Words & Pictures and all associated media publications of Seacoast Media Lab, LLC. All content sent to San Diego Words & Pictures, including but not limited to the written word, videos, audio, photos, maps, graphics, artwork and illustrations, whether sent by e-mail, regular post, or through any social media, becomes the property of San Diego Words & Pictures and can be republished in any format, including print, electronic or digital form, and used by San Diego Words & Pictures in any manner whatsoever. Please do not send material or content to San Diego Words & Pictures if you do not intend to have it republished for public viewing or listening, in any format.

San Diego Words & Pictures is not responsible for the posting of images of individuals who do not want to appear in public view, whether it be digital, video or print publication.