Poway Tree Talk

October 26 2021  -  October 26 2021

The City of Poway is hosting a public meeting to share an overview of the next steps in a project that’s providing attention to trees that line two of Poway’s key traffic corridors/emergency evacuation routes. Through a federally funded hazardous mitigation grant, the city’s efforts will focus on the strategic removal of hazardous trees along the right of way of Espola and Twin Peaks Roads, as well as an open space area of Green Valley, just west of Espola Road.

Time: 6 to 6:30 p.m.; 7:15 to 8 p.m. Q&A session, opportunity to speak with staff and LMD advisory committee members

Venue: City’s Council Chambers with an opportunity to participate online

Address: 13325 Civic Center Drive in Poway
